Saturday, November 17, 2007


tiptoeing through the day with hungover fragility... colours are bright and beautiful and sore and i keep being struck in the stomach by poetic revelations in the stunned, openpinkmouthed lizard i stepped on in the kitchen or the cups i watched fall out of my unclasping hands and crash. and i come to the internet to see pictures of frost on oxford leaves and read that kosovo's gone to vote on its future.
lots to say, much of which i just deleted, so cant really be bothered again. nice note though:

apparently (i was informed over a beer), elderly cambodians 'havent heard' about mouth-kissing. they instead kiss cheeks and NOSES.. and occasionally foreheads and the backs of necks.. young people have started mouth kissing becauyse theyve seen it on tv. (but my friend said 'but you dont touch tongues do you?')
i thought this was quality information (since been verified by further ...discussions(no, really)). partly because you never see anyone kissing here so youd never otherwise know. and partly bc its a case of apparently natural behaviour being cultural. again.
other nice notes - these are shoes from a workshop a school had to get community support for its initiatives. there was a total buzz in the room, albeit from almost entirely male villagers, as they virtually competed on how much they would support the school environment with seeds and labour and fundraising activities.. it was great. and i did nothing, just turned up basically (and, er, made a speech). all thanks to really motivated deputy school director. nice nice.
Also had nice visits this morn as i rested after party cleanup from TWO poodles!! kam kayoo our regular cutie is on left and 'bupee', or 'puppy', HER LITTLE GIRL as well!! bupee shared her taste for licking people and they were SO HAPPY playing together. made me think all i need is someone to roll around with and lick. so theyll have to do for the minute anyway. going home for cuddles now...


nengyu said...

heya, may i have a cuddle as well? :)

I have sent a letter to you today. it is making its way to cambodia now. to phnom penh vso office though.


Mat said...

I'm unbelievably retro in commenting on this post but perhaps it can make a happy discovery in years to come. On the mouthkissing: my good friend Amy, when teaching in Yangling in China, was approached in abashed way by a number of her students, male and female, who wanted information about how to kiss in the style of Hollywood Films. (To which the obvious answer is: make your face the size of a building, sigh deeply, flicker a little, and smoulder). She wound up writing a little manual for them, as I recall, with kissing advice. These guys were seventeen eighteen years old - but pretty cloistered, I think.